
Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Japanese cherry trees

Japanese cherry trees

For art this term we have been making Japanese cherry trees. First we got a piece of paper and blue dye and dyed the paper blue and then we got some black dye and a straw. we put some dye and the paper and got the straw and blue on to get a tree affect. After that we got some pink paint and added that on to make the blossoms and we let it dry and stuck it on some black paper. And then we learnt to spell ours name in Japanese. here is my cherry tree art

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Halloween word search

Halloween word search

For literacy this week we had a choice of what to do and one of the option was to create a Halloween word search. Here is my Halloween word search.

Thursday, 18 October 2018

Would you rather

Would you rather

For writing this week we have been learning to write would you rather stories. Here is the one I had written.

Would you rather be able to fly or be able to turn invisible
I think I would rather be able to fly because I would be able to get great views and won't have to pay to go to other countries”.
And turning invisible I wouldn’t be able to have any friends and my family won’t be able to see me.
If you know any way you can help me please comment.

Monday, 15 October 2018

Narratives , Character's and Question's

Narratives Characters and Questions

WALT: Ask questions before, during and after reading to engage with the text and make inferences.

My prior knowledge about a narrative is that it's and fake story that people have made up. For example JK Rowling's Harry Potter is a narrative. 

My prior knowledge of characters is there is a main character and side characters. 

My prior knowledge of questions is that you ask someone something you don't know for example hi there can you help me with a quality blog comment.