
Thursday, 24 September 2020

B & E

B & E

For the past 3 weeks we have been involved in the B & E kete

My role has been CEO and making sure everything being done on time ready for market day

My company was called Chucky's Sponges

Our product was chucking sponges at teachers for low prices

My reflection on how the business went was poorly our strength is having teachers and with teachers means more business and our weakness is with no teachers our business isn't what it is and doesn't sell well and that's exactly what happened

My reflection on the overall B & E is bad the weather was extremely hot it was not fun but the preparing was fun 

Carousel image

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

How do bees make honey?

 How do bees make honey?

Bees are responsible for pollinating three quarters of the world's fruit and

vegetable plants and making yummy honey that most people like.

Some beehives can make upto 1-2kg of honey per year

Firstly bees need a suitable food source.This suitable food

source bees find are flowers. When they get these flowers they use

their tongue and suck out the nectar sometimes bees need upto

1k flowers to fill up a bee’s honey stomach 

Secondly the bees store the nectar in their honey stomach.  

Once the nectar is inside the bees stomach, something called 

enzymes break down the nectar and turn into simple sugars/honey. 

The worker bee then goes to the hive and chuck its out of it

stomach into another house bees stomach the reason why

they do this is to dehydrate the honey once The bees have passed it to

teacher other they then put the honey into a honeycomb and

then once it's in the honeycomb they plug it up with a bees wax cap   

It takes a lot of time for bees to make honey, so enjoy it when you have it.

Friday, 11 September 2020

My learning story

 My term 3 learning story


My Learning Story

Hurumanu: Writing

Name: Sam

Teachers: Mr Tisch

Term 3




Give at least three examples in each of the boxes below.

What We Did: 

  • Wrote about Greece

  • Wrote about superheroes

  • We watched an assassins creed video

What I Learned: 

  • I learnt more about what Greece was like

  • I learnt about super heroes aren't always born with superpowers

  • How to write better

My Favourite Part:

  •  Superhero writing

  •  Greece writing

  • Assassin's creed video

My Next Steps:

  •  Do better in writing next time

  •  Pay more attention

  • Learn better writing language. (Nouns, Adjectives etc)

CARR Values: 

Make a statement below describing how you showed each of our CARR values during this Hurumanu.


I paid attention most of the time


I got my work done except for a few things


Kept paying attention when the teacher was talking


Respected my property, teachers and students