
Friday, 27 September 2019

Getting your nature fix

Getting your nature fix

For drama we are learning about nature fix here are some things you can do outside

Play hide and seek
Plant nature
Listen to the birds singing
Go for a walk
look at the clouds

One way i enjoy the outdoors is playing football/soccer. One of my favourite places is Knott's soak city because me and my brothers have all been their and it is really fun a myth we were shown was the Maori creation myth

Thursday, 26 September 2019

My Investigation on climate change

My Investigation on climate change


Definition: Is where you ad acid to water
1. What is happening to the oceans? 
  • Their collecting more and more carbon dioxide and becoming more acidic

2. What does this do to shellfish? 
  • It is becoming harder for sea life to make their shells out of calcium and they are beginning to die.


Methane gas is entering the water cycle and making the water and oceans become more acidified

Image result for acidificationImage result for acidification

DEFINITION:You clear land to make way for farm's and other stuff

What are trees used for?
Wood,Furniture,Paper and other things


Deforestation affects the carbon cycle and water cycle because trees pull in the carbon dioxide and make it into oxygen and when it rains trees catch water then the water evaporates and the cycle starts again
Image result for rainImage result for deforestation


DEFINITION: When all the ice of ANTARCTICA melts

If all the ice melted what would happen? The sea level would rise and the oceans would have less salt so then some sea life might die


If the ice cap melts the sea level is going to rise and peoples home are going to be under water

Why ask questions?

Why ask questions?

For reading we have been learning to ask questions a good reader always ask questions before,during and after reading. Sometimes the answer is in the text but sometimes you have to use your knowledge and other times the answer is not in the text and you have to use another source of information to help you. Answering and asking questions help build a better understanding.

Four types of questions
1. Right there, A right there questions is where the answer is right there in the book/text

2. Think and search, A think and search questions is where you you have to find all the bits of information because they mightn't be all together.

3.Author and me, Author and me is where the author has a little bit of information in the book/text then you have to think of the rest.

4. On my own, On my own is where the answer isn't in the book/text you have to use you own information/knowledge to answer the questions.

Monday, 16 September 2019

Hurumanu - Decomposing and Recycling

Aim: To learn about the rate that different materials decompose. 
Hypothesis: I think the bread will decompose the most because  


  1.   4x test tubes
  2.   A bit of banana
  3.   Test tube stand
  4.   Bread
  5.   Strip of styrofoam cup
  6.   Paper
  1.   Get a test tube
  2.   Get a test tube rack
  3. put a bit of bread in one tube
  4.   Put abit of paper in one tube
  5.   Put a strip of styrofoam in one tube
  6.   Put some banana in one tube
  7.  Put the tubes in the rack

Water cycle

Water cycle

The Water Cycle
Acid Water Cycle
Does it cycle?
Amount of Water

Key: Water and acidity amount: 0 = none 
1 = small 
2 = large 

In conclusion for the water cycle experiment we have had a large amount of water and acid they both cycled and had alot of water for the water cycle experiment there was 0 acidity then for the acid cycle there was a large amount of acidity

Thursday, 5 September 2019

The green house effect

The green house affect


  1. 1 plastic bottle
  2. 1 Teaspoon Baking Soda and Citric Acid
  3. 1 heat lamp
  4. 1 Thermometer
  5. 100 ml water
  6. 1 rubber bung


  1. Add 100 mL of water to each of the beakers.
  2. Prepare your lamps. Set them up next to each other with the necks angled so they will just fit over the tops of the bottles. Turn them on so they are ready.
  3. Add Baking Soda mix to one of the beakers, and immediately cover both beakers with cling a rubber bung and thermometer. A tight seal around the edge will work best, and make sure thermometers are left visible so you can record the temperature.
  4. Have students record the starting temperature – it should be the same in both beakers.
  5. Turn the bottles so the thermometer is visible.                             
  6. Record the temperature in both beakers every 5 minutes for 45 minutes or until the temperatures stabilize. At the end, have students answer questions at the bottom of their data sheets. 

Findings:The Greenhouse Effect Data 

Bottle 1: Water 
Bottle 2: CO2 Gas
Conclusion: The tempertaure of the c02 bottle rose higher than the normal bottle this showed that co2 heats up our atmosphere very fast